// Copyright (c) 2019 datagraph gmbh
@typedef {Object} Context
The abstract GraphEnvironment class defines the interface to graphs
and their elements.
@property context - A dictionary which maps bi-directionally between property names and IRI
@property module - A dictionary which maps class names to classes.
export class GraphEnvironment {
@param {Object} options
@param {(string|URL|Context)} options.context
@param {Object} options.module
constructor(options = {}) {
//this.context = null;
this.module = options['module'] || {};
Return the base IRI from this environment's context.
@return {string} - the base IRI
get baseIRI() {
return (this.context['@base'] || null);
Accept a context designator, retrieve if necessary, expand all definitions,
and bind the environment's context property to it.
@param {(string|URL|Context)} context - The context to resolve.
resolveContext(context) {
var thisEnv = this;
var expandContext = function(context) {
var base = context['@base'];
Object.values(context).forEach(function(def) {
var uri = def['@id'];
if (uri) {
def['@id'] = (base ? new URL(uri, base).href: new URL(uri).href);
return (context);
var fetchContext = function(context) {
fetch(context).then(function(response) {
thisEnv.context = expandContext(response.json());
if (context) {
switch (typeof(context)) {
case 'object':
if (context instanceof URL) {
} else {
this.context = expandContext(context);
case 'string':
throw (new TypeError(`resolveContext: invalid context: ${context}` ) );
} else {
this.context = {};
Return the identifier for the root node of the given Graph.
@param {Graph} graph
graphResourceID (graph) {
throw (new Error('GraphEnvironment.fieldResourceID must be implemented'));
Return the identifers for all nodes in the given Graph.
@param {Graph} graph
graphResourceIDs (graph) {
throw (new Error('GraphEnvironment.fieldResourceIDs must be implemented'));
Given a property identifier, return the definition from the environment's context.
@param {(string|URL)} identifier - An identifier present in the context
@return {PropertyDefinition}
@todo The definition should be a standard JavaScript property descriptor
@todo Change name to getPropertyDescriptor
fieldDefinition(identifier) {
var def;
switch (typeof(identifier)) {
case 'string': // field name
return (this.context[name] || null);
case 'object': // url
var namestring = identifier.lexicalForm;
def = this.context[namestring];
if (def) {
return (def);
} else {
var localPart = identifier.localPart();
def = this.context[localPart];
if (def) {
this.context[namestring] = def;
return (def);
} else {
return (this.context[namestring] = {});
return (null);
Given a property identifier, return the type from its definition
@todo Change name to getPropertyType
fieldType(identifier) {
var def = this.fieldDefinition(identifier);
return (def ? def['@type'] : null)
Given an IRI, return the property name associated with it in the environment.
If none is present in the context, add a definition which specifies the IRI leaf as the name.
The first probe searches the context for a property definition which specifies the iri as its @id.
That result is then cached for future references.
@oaram {(string|URL)} uri
findIdentifierName(uri) {
// console.log("fin", uri);
var uriNamestring = null;
switch (typeof(uri)) {
case 'string': // iri as string
uriNamestring = uri;
case 'object': // url
uriNamestring = uri.lexicalForm;
return (null);
var fieldName = this.context[uriNamestring];
if (! fieldName) {
for (var name in this.context) {
var def = this.context[name];
var id = def['@id'];
if (id == uriNamestring) {
fieldName = name;
this.context[uriNamestring] = name;
if (! fieldName) {
fieldName = this.context[uriNamestring] = predicateLeaf(uri);
// console.log("fin=", fieldName);
return ( fieldName );
Given a property name, return the IRI associated with it in the environment.
@param {string} name
findNameIdentifier(name) {
// console.log('fni');
// console.log(this);
// console.log(this.context);
var uri = null;
var def = this.context[name];
// console.log('fni: ' + name);
if (def) {
uri = def['@id'];
// console.log(uri);
return (uri || null);
// console.log(uri);
return (uri);
Given a Graph, extract the first subject term, extract its description and instantiate it.
computeGraphObject(graph, identifier) {
throw (new Error('GraphEnvironment.computeGraphObject must be implemented'));
Given a Graph and a list of identifiers, extract their descriptions and instantiate them.
@param {Graph} graph
@param {Array} identifiers - The sought identifiers
computeGraphObjects(graph, identifiers) {
throw (new Error('GraphEnvironment.computeGraphObjects must be implemented'));
@param {Object} object
computeObjectGraph(object) {
throw (new Error('GraphEnvironment.computeObjectGraph must be implemented'));
Given subject, predicate, object and graph terns, construct and return a statement
@param {Node} subject
@param {NamedNode} predicate
@param {Term} object
@param {Node} [graph]
createStatement(subject, predicate, object, context) {
throw (new Error('GraphEnvironment.createStatement must be implemented'));
createGraph(statements, options) {
throw (new Error('GraphEnvironment.createGraph must be implemented'));
createLiteral(value, options) {
throw (new Error('GraphEnvironment.createLiteral must be implemented'));
createAnonymousNode(label) {
throw (new Error('GraphEnvironment.createAnonymousNode must be implemented'));
createNamedNode(identifier) {
throw (new Error('GraphEnvironment.createIdentifiedNode must be implemented'));
Given a class name, the instance identifier and an initial state,
instantiate the object, assign the initial state, create its proxy and return that.
@param {string} className
@param {string} identifier
@param {Object} [state]
createObject(className, identifier, state = {}) {
// console.log('createObject', className, 'prototype', className.prototype)
var classInstance = this.module[className];
// console.log('class', classInstance);
// console.log('state', state);
var defs = {};
if (classInstance) {
var instance = Object.create(classInstance.prototype, defs);
instance.identifier = identifier;
// apply state after initialization, but before proyxing
Object.entries(state).forEach(function([entryKey, entryValue]) {
instance[entryKey] = entryValue;
var proxy = instance.createProxy(); // do not test, just require the operator
// console.log('graph-environment.createObject: instance', typeof(instance), instance);
// console.log('graph-environment.createObject: proxy', typeof(proxy), proxy);
// console.log('graph-environment.createObject: instance.constructor', instance.constructor);
// console.log('graph-environment.createObject: instance.constructor', proxy.constructor);
// console.log('graph-environment.createObject: state', instance._state);
return( proxy );
} else {
console.log(`graph-environment.createObject: class not found '${className}'`);
return (state);
Given an IRI return the last element of its path.
@param {(string|URL)} url
@returns {string}
export function predicateLeaf(url) {
var asURL = ( (url instanceof URL) ? url : new URL(url.toString()))
return ( (asURL.hash.length > 0) ? asURL.hash.slice(1) : asURL.pathname.split('/').pop() );