dydra web client support
This library implements a JavaScript web client interface to the Dydra RDF service. It mediates persistence for native JavaScript application and u/i data models to a remote Dydra service via GSP/HTTP and/or websockets. The remote service implements either W3C GSP-conformant transactional repositories, revisioned repositories which maintain data through PUT/POST/DELETE operations or CRDT-repositories which interpret PATCH opertations to replicate and reconcile data among multiple clients.
The library integrates an application data model with a remote store by reconciling representations in three realms:
web application data
represented as JavaScript objects
identified by a combination of instance identifier and application key values
described by JavaScript object properties, each of which binds either an atomic value, an object, or an array of such
combined into an active model which is associated with a revision
JavaScript proxy objects monitor access to instance propertiess and propagate them to the storeintermediate graphs
each a collection of triples
each captures the object property changes associated with a given application model transaction
a JSON-LD context governs the relation between terms and property values
each associated with a revision to enable undo/redopersistent data
represented as a revisioned collection of RDF quads stored in a service repository
where the subject iri correspond to the application model instance identifier
the predicate arity is either one, for atomic values or higher for arrays
the object terms are either literals or subject iri of related resources
The library concerns the application data, the intermediate graph and communicating it to the remote RDF repository. It is realized by three components in the client:
- the GraphObject API
- JavaScript / RDF mediation
- the background remote request processing
application API background requests <- GraphObject -> <- GraphStore + RDF GSP,SPARQL -> Object - field-cache - Graph - GSP/websockets - RDF-repository JavaScript / RDF mediation <---- Graph-Data-Model + RDFDatabase ----->
Application API
The application API supports the user interface data model. Its implmentation comprises the files
It provides the abstract model class, GraphObject, which encapsulates intances of specializations to track field modifications and record a delta map for use by the store mediation layer. That relies on, in addition to the tracking logic, default methods to transform the delta map into an abstract patch according to instance state (clean, deleted, modified, new, etc.) and on logic to manage declarations for managed properties
Should the application require other than the generic transformations, it can override them as needed. In connection with these, the respective concrete U/I classes must They must also define respective static fields for
to indicate which fields are to be managed. These are coallesced for the respective concrete class, upon first use.
JavaScript / RDF Mediation
The mediation layer implements the relation between the native JSON data model and its representation as RDF. Its elements incorporate two layers: absctract graph operations and RDF-specific implementations:
and includes the utility
At the mediation layer, the class GraphDatabase provides the means for the application to realize persistence either by JDO-like reachability or through explicit store write operations. Either approach follows the pattern defined by IndexedDB (google, w3c), in that a GDBTransaction provides the context for both implicitly persistent model data manipulation and explicit store operations.
In order to propagate commits and accept remote notifications this relies on RDFGraph instances and it, in turn, on RDFEnvironment instances, to perform un/marshalling between RDF graphs and JSON objects.
The mediation layer provides the operations
which implement the abstract mechanisms to bind instance to stores, create transactions to govern changes and transform state changes onto store requests upon transaction completion.
They rely on the RDF-specific implementation to implement RDF instance identifiers and IndexedDB key functions to govern the relation between data model entities and their remote RDF representation.
The arguments to attach operations serve as roots to a reachability graph, of which the objects are registered with the transaction's active ObjectStore. When a transaction commits, this collection is examined and its field delta maps are interpreted to generate GSP PATCH operations to propagate to the remote replication service. If a transaction aborts, then the maps are used to roll the object states back view the method
Background Replication
The interaction with a remote RDF service for the actual data exchange is accomplished by a background via Promises. When either a transaction is committed explicitly or a chain of GDBObjectStore put operations completes, the deferred phase transforms the abstract patch descriptions into a concrete GSP request and executes it on the remote service.
This is defined in
as concrete implemetations for the operators
which rely on the RDFEnvironment implementation for
and GSP/SPARQL implementation for
The operations yielf IndexedDB Request results and completion notification is through the onsuccess property.
Background change notification
The application main thread receives changes from background websocket listeners, which accept patch requests from the remote service. These are translated back into property delta maps, which reference attached GraphObject instances and are passed to the application in the events
for those instances to examine and apply with the methods