

// Copyright (c) 2019 datagraph gmbh

The class GraphObject is an abstract class which wraps each concrete
instance in a proxy to mediate property access and implement a jdo/jpa-like
state machine to control instance.
The logic distinguished detached/attached situations wrt a ReplicaObjectStore
and, for attached objects, constrcts for them a delta map and uses that cache
upon tranaction completion to propagate changes to the respective remote
storage service.

The state graph is a reduced version of the JDO space which corresponds to
that model's 'persistent' states, and the 'transient' realm of that JDO space
does not figure in this implementation.

That is, the reduced space includes just
with which the attachment/transaction status combines to yield the JDO

For specialized GraphObject classes :
  - writes to managed properties side-effect the state.
  - attached objects also generate delta maps during a transaction.
  - transactional reads from managed properties require a valid state.

 Encapsulate an error due to an invalid operation.
 @extends Error
class GraphStateError extends Error {
  constructor(state, operation) {
    super(`Operation (${operation}) is ìnvalid in state (${state}).`);
    this.state = state;
    this.operation = operation;

 The abstract root class for all managed objects
export class GraphObject {
  constructor() {
    // out-of-line initialization to avoid proxy
    return (this.createProxy());

   Provide a method to initialize the code properies from the constructor
   out-of-line and for direct object creation
  initializeState(state = GraphObject.stateNew) {
    this._state = state;
    this._store = null;
    this._transaction = null;
    this._deltas = null;
    this._identifier = undefined;

   Provide a method to perform general initialization out-of-line.
  initializeInstance() {}

   The final step of {@link GraphObject} base constructor invokes this to
   create the proxy which wraps the target instance and manages its property
   access. It excludes those which begin with '_' and limits control to
   {@link GraphObject#managedProperties}, if specified.
   {@link Object#set} is augmented to record modifcations and
   {@link Object#get} can be augmented perform property-specific retrieval.
   Set modifies instance state as a side-effect.
   As a special case, given get('_self'), it returns the target instance.
  createProxy() {
    // console.log('create proxy', this);
    var proxy = new Proxy (this, {
      set(target, name, value) {
        //console.log({set: name, value: value});
        var properties = target.constructor.managedProperties();
        if ((properties == [] && (name[0] != '_'))
            || properties.includes(name)) {
          // if the property is managed
          switch (target._state) {
            case GraphObject.stateNew:
            case GraphObject.stateClean:
              target._state = GraphObject.stateModified;
            case GraphObject.stateDeleted:
              throw new GraphStateError(target._state, "set");
          if (target._store) {
            // attached
            //console.log('persistent set');
            var oldValue = target[name];
            if (oldValue != value ) {
              var deltas = target._deltas;
              if (! deltas) {
                deltas = {};
                target._deltas = deltas;
              var delta = deltas[name];
              if (delta) {
                if (delta[1] == value) {
                  // if setting back to the original value, delete the entry
                } else {
                  // otherwise replace the new value
                  delta[0] = value;
              } else {
                // iff this is the first change, record [new,old]
                delta = [value, oldValue];
                deltas[name] = delta;
          } else {
          // detached or no active transaction
        // set the property
        target[name] = value;
        return true;
      get(target, name) {
        //console.log({get: name});
        switch (name) {
        case '_self':  // special case to get the target
          //console.log('as self');
          return (target);
          var properties = target.persistentProperties();
          if ((properties == [] && (name[0] != '_'))
              || properties.includes(name)) {
            // if the property is managed
            if (target._transaction) {
              switch (target._state) {
              default: // read in all states except new (ie. also deleted)
                return (target[name]);
              case GraphObject.stateNew:
                throw new GraphStateError(GraphObject.stateNew, "get");
          return (target[name]);
    // console.log('create proxy', proxy);
    return (proxy);

   The getter return a property which serves as the identity in the store.
   The value should be suitable to act as both an object and a map key.
  get identifier () {
    throw new Error("No GraphObject identifier defined.");
   The setter must record the value as the instance identity in the store.
  set identifier (value) {
    throw new Error("No GraphObject identifier defined.");
   Return the current instance state, ["clean", "deleted", "dirty", "new"],
   to reflect the correspondence between the instance state and that in the
  get state() {
    return (this._state);

   Accept a delta-array with the state of the new instance.
   @param deltas [ [String, Any], ...]
  oncreate(deltas) { console.log('GraphObject.oncreate', this); this.rollforward(deltas); }

   Accept a delta-array with changes to the state of the new instance.
   @param deltas [ [String, Any], ...]
  onupdate(deltas) { console.log('GraphObject.onupdate', this); this.rollforward(deltas); }

   Notify that the instance has been deleted from the store.
   @param deltas [ [String, Any], ...] should include just the identifier property.
  ondelete(deltas) { /* ?? */}

   Return an array of the values of persistent properties.
  persistentValues() {
    var self = this._self || this;
    var names = self.persistentProperties();
    var values = [];
    names.forEach(function(name) { 
    return (values);

   Return an array of the names of managed properties, to be managed by the proxy.
  managedProperties() {
    return (this._managedProperties
            || this.constructor.managedProperties());

   Return an array of the names of persistent properties, to be managed by the proxy.
  persistentProperties() {
    if (! this._persistentProperties) {
      var validProperties = Object.keys(this).concat(Object.keys(this.constructor.prototype));
      //console.log('persistentProperties: new');
      for (const p of this._persistentProperties) {
        if (validProperties.indexOf(p) < 0) {
          throw new Error(`GraphObject.persistentProperties: property node bound: '${p}'`);
    return (this._persistentProperties);

   Return an array of the names of properties subject to roll-back when a transaction
   is aborted.
  transactionalProperties() {
    return (this._transactionalProperties
            || this.constructor.transactionalProperties());

   compute the put/patch/delete patch given the object state
   implement as properties of the base function to permit extension
  asPatch() {
    var self = this._self || this;
    // console.log('asPatch: ', self);
    // compute the patch for the target instance as per its state
    // console.log(`asPatch: for state: '${self._state}’`);
    return (self.asPatch[self._state].call(self));

   Use a delta array to restore the state of the target instance.
   nb. also undefined values, could restrict to null
  rollback(deltas = this._deltas) {
    var self = this._self || this;
    deltas.forEach(function(name, values) {
      var value = values[1];
      self[name] = value;

   Use a delta array to assert the new state of the target instance.
   nb. also undefined values, could restrict to null
  rollforward(deltas = this._deltas) {
    var self = this._self || this;
    console.log('rollforward', self, deltas);
    Object.entries(deltas).forEach(function([name, values]) {
      // console.log('rollforward', name, values);
      var value = values[0];
        self[name] = value;
    // console.log('rollforward.end', this);


GraphObject.stateClean = "clean";
GraphObject.prototype.asPatch[GraphObject.stateClean] =
  function() {
    return ({});

GraphObject.stateDeleted = "deleted";
GraphObject.prototype.asPatch[GraphObject.stateDeleted] =
  function() {
    // iterate over all properties and collect the elements to delete
    var self = this;
    var id = self.identifier;
    var statements = [];
    self.persistentProperties().forEach(function(name) {
      statements.push([id, name, self[name]]);
    statements.push([id, "@type",]);
    return ({delete: statements});

GraphObject.stateModified = "dirty";
GraphObject.prototype.asPatch[GraphObject.stateModified] =
  function() {
    // iterate over all properties and collect the elements to delete
    var self = this;
    var id = self.identifier;
    var posts = [];
    var deletes = [];
    self.persistentProperties().forEach(function(name) {
      if (self._deltas && self._deltas.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
        var [newValue, oldValue] = self._deltas[name];
        if (oldValue) {
          deletes.push([id, name, oldValue]);
        if (newValue) {
          posts.push([id, name, newValue]);
    return ({post: posts, delete: deletes});

GraphObject.stateNew = "new";
GraphObject.prototype.asPatch[GraphObject.stateNew] =
  function() {
    // iterate over all properties and collect the elements to delete
    var self = this;
    var id = self.identifier;
    var statements = [];
    self.persistentProperties().forEach(function(name) {
      statements.push([id, name, self[name]]);
    statements.push([id, "@type",]);
    return ({post: statements});

// collect property definitions from classes on-demand.
// walk the constructor chain from the requesting class
// bind to respective initiating prototype
GraphObject.computeEffectiveProperties = function(name) {
  var props = [];
  for (constructor = this;
       (constructor instanceof Function);
       constructor = Object.getPrototypeOf(constructor)) {
    var cprops = constructor[name];
    //console.log(constructor); console.log(cprops);
    if (!cprops) { break; }
    props = props.concat(cprops || []);
  // de-duplicate
  return (Array.from(new Set(props)));
GraphObject.managedProperties = function() {
  var properties = this.prototype._managedProperties;
  if (!properties) {
    var tProps = this.persistentProperties();
    var pProps = this.transactionalProperties();
    properties = this.prototype._managedProperties =
      Array.from(new Set(pProps.concat(tProps)));
  return (properties);
GraphObject.persistentProperties = function() {
  var properties = this.prototype._persistentProperties;
  if (!properties) {
    properties = this.computeEffectiveProperties('_persistentProperties');
    this.prototype._persistentProperties = properties;
  return (properties);
GraphObject.transactionalProperties = function() {
  var properties = this.prototype._transactionalProperties;
  if (!properties) {
    properties = this.computeEffectiveProperties('_transactionalProperties');
    this.prototype._transactionalProperties = properties;
  return (properties);

GraphObject._persistentProperties = null;
GraphObject._transactionalProperties = null;

GraphObject.stateClean =
  GraphObject.prototype.stateClean = "clean";
GraphObject.stateDeleted =
  GraphObject.prototype.stateDeleted =  "deleted";
GraphObject.stateModified =
  GraphObject.prototype.stateModified =  "dirty";
GraphObject.stateNew =
  GraphObject.prototype.stateNew =  "new";

GraphObject.hollow = "hollow";
GraphObject.persistentClean = "persistentClean";
GraphObject.persistentDeleted = "persistentDeleted";
GraphObject.persistentDirty = "persistentDirty";
GraphObject.persistentNew = "persistentNew";
GraphObject.persistentNewDeleted = "persistentNewDeleted";
GraphObject.transient = "transient";

class Test1 extends GraphObject {};
Test1._transactionalProperties = ['p1'];
Test1._persistentProperties = ['p2'];
class Test2 extends Test1 {};
class Test3 extends Test2 {};
Test2._transactionalProperties = ['p4', 'p5'];
Test2._persistentProperties = ['p6'];
Test3._transactionalProperties = ['p7'];
Test3._persistentProperties = ['p8'];

GraphObject.computeEffectiveProperties(new Test3(), '_persistentProperties')
GraphObject.computeEffectiveProperties(new Test3(), '_transactionalProperties')
GraphObject.computeEffectiveProperties(new Test3(), '_persistentProperties')

Row = class Row extends GraphObject {
  constructor(name) {
    var instance = super(); = name;
    return (instance);

  get email() {
    return this._email;
  set email(email) {
    this._email = email.trim();
Row._persistentProperties = ['_identifier', '_mail'];

var r = new Row("a name");

console.log('graph-object.js: loaded');