

// Copyright (c) 2019 datagraph gmbh


 implement a standard RDF api, following

import {grammar as nquadsGrammar} from './n-quads-grammar.js';
import {grammar as multipartGrammar} from './multipart-grammar.js';
import { makeUUIDString } from './revision-identifier.js';
import { GraphEnvironment, predicateLeaf } from './graph-environment.js';
import { GraphObject } from './graph-object.js';
import * as nearley from '/javascripts/vendor/nearley/lib/nearley.js';

// possible alternative uri library, but wants punycode via invalid import
// import * as URI from '/javascripts/vendor/uri-js/dist/esnext/uri.js';

 The class RDFEnvironment specializes the model creation functions and
 codecs for RDF.
 An environment instance provides model element creation operations in a mode which
 provides defaults from environment properties
 @extends GraphEnvironment
export class RDFEnvironment extends GraphEnvironment {
  constructor(options = {}) {
    this.location = (options.location ? options.location.toString() : null);

   Create a statement with provisions from translation from curie terms and
   completion of relative iri.
   @param {Node} subject
   @param {NamedNode} predicate
   @param {Term} object
   @param {Node} [graph]
  createStatement(subject, predicate, object, graph = null) {
    //console.log({op: 'createStatement', subject: subject, predicate: predicate, object: object, graph: graph});
    if (typeof(subject) == 'string' || subject instanceof String) {
      subject = this.createNamedNode(subject);
    if (typeof(predicate) == 'string' || predicate instanceof String) {
      predicate = this.createNamedNode(predicate);
    if (typeof(object) == 'string' || object instanceof String) {
      try {
        var asURL = new URL(object);
        object = this.createNamedNode(asURL.href);
      } catch (_) {
        object = new SimpleString(object);
    } else if (typeof(object) != 'object') {
      object = this.toLiteral(object);
    if (typeof(graph) == 'string' || graph instanceof String) {
      graph = this.createNamedNode(graph);
    return (createStatement(subject, predicate, object, graph));
   Create a Quad with provisions from translation from curie terms and
   completion of relative iri. Use the environment's location as the default graph name
   @param {Node} subject
   @param {NamedNode} predicate
   @param {Term} object
   @param {Node} [graph]
  createQuad(subject, predicate, object, graph = this.location) {
    return (this.createStatement(subject, predicate, object, graph));
   Create a Triple with provisions from translation from curie terms and
   completion of relative iri.
   @param {Node} subject
   @param {NamedNode} predicate
   @param {Term} object
  createTriple(subject, predicate, object) {
    return (this.createStatement(subject, predicate, object));
  createLiteral(value, language, datatype) {
    return (createLiteral(value, language, datatype));
  createAnonymousNode(label) {
    return (createBlankNode(label));
  createBlankNode(label) {
    return (createBlankNode(label));
  createNamedNode(lexicalForm) {
    // allow for three case
    // - absolute url : encapsulate as is
    // - curi : convert through the context
    // - simple name : convert through context, fall-back to base iri

    if (lexicalForm.startsWith('http://') ||
        lexicalForm.startsWith('https://') ||
        lexicalForm.startsWith('urn:')) {
      return (createNamedNode(lexicalForm, null));
    } else {
      var curie = lexicalForm.match(/(\w+):(\w+)/);
      if (curie) {
        var [total, prefix, local] = curie;
        var namespace = this.findNameIdentifier(prefix);
        if (namespace) {
          return (createNamedNode(local, namespace));
        } else {
          throw new Error(`createNamedNode: unbound curie: '${curie}'`);
      } else {
        var expandedForm = this.findNameIdentifier(lexicalForm);
        if (expandedForm) {
          return(createNamedNode(expandedForm, null));
    return (createNamedNode(lexicalForm, this.baseIRI));
  createGraph(statements, options = {}) {
    var thisEnv = this;
    var coerceToStatement = function(datum) {
      if (datum instanceof Statement) {
        return (datum);
      } else if (datum instanceof Array) {
        return (thisEnv.createQuad(datum[0], datum[1], datum[2], datum[3]));
      } else {
        throw (new Error(`createGraph: invalid statements: '${statements}'`));
    if (statements) {
      statements =;
    return (new Graph(statements, options));
  createPatch(options) {
    var thisEnv = this;
    var whenCoerceToGraph = function (statements) {
      if (statements) {
        switch(typeof(statements)) {
        case 'object':
          if (statements instanceof Array) {
            return (thisEnv.createGraph(statements));
          } else if (statements instanceof Graph) {
            return (statements);
          } else {
            throw (new Error(`createPatch: invalid statements: '${statements}'`));
      } else {
        return (null);
    if (options) {
      if (options instanceof Patch) {
        return (options);
      } else if (options instanceof Object) {
        return (new Patch({put: whenCoerceToGraph(options.put),
                           post: whenCoerceToGraph(,
                           delete: whenCoerceToGraph(options.delete)}));
      } else {
        throw (new Error(`createPatch: invalid options: '${options}'`));
    } else {
      new Patch({});

  // graph operations
  // given an RDF field, compute the equivalent object
  // - extract the class name
  // - create a respective instance
  // - for each property other than rdf:type,
  //   bind the translated object term to the translated field name in the object
  // - use the context to handle circular references

  graphResourceID (graph) {
    return( graph.resourceID() );
  graphResourceIDs (graph) {
    var subjects = new Map();
    graph.forEach(function(statement) {
      subjects[statement.subject] = true;
    return( Array.from(subjects.keys()) );

  computeGraphObject(field, resourceID = this.graphResourceID(field).name, context = new Map()) {
    // close circularity
    var resource = context.get(resourceID);
    if (! resource) {
      var resourceClass = this.graphClassName(field, resourceID);
      if ( resourceClass ) {
        // create the object without state and set just its identifier
        resource = this.createObject(resourceClass)._self;
        resource.identifier = resourceID;
      } else {
        return ( null );
      context.set(resourceID, resource);
    var setEntry = function(statement) {
      if (resourceID.equals(statement.subject)) {
        var predicate = statement.predicate;
        if (! predicate.equals(NamedNode.rdf.type)) {
          var name = this.findIdentifierName(predicate);
          var object = statement.object;
          var value;
          switch( typeof(object) ) {
            case 'URI':
              value = this.computeGraphObject(field, object, context) || object;
              value = this.termValue(object, predicate);
          resource[name] = value;
    resource._state = GraphObject.stateClean;
    return( resource );

  computeGraphObjects(field, resourceIDs = this.graphResourceIDs(field).map(name), context = new Map()) {
    return ( { return (computeGraphObject(field, id, context)); }));

  graphClassName(field) {
    function statementClass (statement) {
      var predicate = statement.predicate;
      return ( predicate.equals(NamedNode.rdf.type) ? predicateLeaf(statement.object) : null );
    return( field.some(statementClass) );

  /* given some response content and an object cache,
   * extract instance identifiers, isolate the respective statements
   * find or make an instance respective each identifier
   * for each instance extract its +/- deltas
  computeDeltas(content) {
    // console.log("cd", content, content.computeDeltas);
    return (content.computeDeltas(this));
  computeObjectGraph (object) {
    var resourceID = resource['@id'];
    var entryStatement = function(entry) {
      var name = entry[0];
      var value = entry[1];
      return ( this.constructAssertion(resourceId,
                                    this.constructTerm(context, value)) );
    return( Object.entries(object).map(entryStatement) );

   The function toValue accepts a {@link Term} and converts it to a native value
  toValue(term, predicate) {
    var datatype = term.datatype || this.fieldType(predicate);
    // console.log('toValue', term, predicate, datatype);
    if (datatype) {
      var converter = Literal.toValue[datatype.lexicalForm];
      // console.log('toValue.converter: ', converter);
      if (converter) {
        return (converter(term.lexicalForm));
    return (term.lexicalForm);

   The function toLiteral accepts an native object and coerces it to a Literal instance.
   It distinguishes between Object specializations and primitive data.
   In those cases, use the type to compute a converter and delegate to that.
   Return unmodified any data which is already a Term.
   from rdflib.js
  toLiteral(value) {
    if (typeof value === 'undefined' || value === null) {
      throw (new Error(`RDFEnvironment.toLiteral: invalid value: '${value}' of type '${typeof value}'`));
    } else if (value instanceof Term) {  // this is already a Term instance
      return (value);
    } else {
      var type = typeof(value);
      var converter = null;
      switch (type) {
      case 'object':
        converter = Literal.toLiteral[];
        if (converter) {
          return (converter(value));
        converter = Literal.toLiteral[type];
        if (converter) {
          var literal = converter(value);
          return (literal);
      throw (new Error(`RDFEnvironment.toLiteral: invalid value: '${value}' of type '${typeof value}'`));

   The function decode accepts a document, a content type and an optional continuation,
   It parses the document and returns or continues with the result, by
   retrieving the respective decoder and delegating the operation
   to that function.
  decode(document, contentType, continuation = null) {
    var match;
    // console.log("rdfenv.decode: for", contentType);
    if (match = contentType.match(/([^;]+)(?:;.*)?/)) {
      var decoder = decode[match[1]];
      // console.log("rdfenv.decode: decoder", decoder);
      // must pass the content type as it can include arguments
      var decoded = decoder(document, contentType, continuation);
      // console.log("rdfenv.decode: decoded", decoded);
      return (decoded);
    } else {
      console.log("rdfenv.decode: decoder not found");
      return (null);

 The abstract class Term is the root for [RDF Terms]{@link}
export class Term {

   The function termType returns the respective class name.
  get termType() {
    return (;

 The abstract class Node comprises those values which can be subject, object or context
 in an RDF Quad.
export class Node extends Term {

 The class NamedNode comprises data which represents IRI.
export class NamedNode extends Node {
  constructor(lexicalForm) {
    switch (typeof(lexicalForm)) {
    case 'string': break;
    case 'object' :
      lexicalForm = lexicalForm.toString();
      throw new Error(`NamedNode: invalid lexicalForm: '${lexicalForm}'`);
    this.lexicalForm = lexicalForm;
   The function equals returns <code>true</code> iff the argument is
   also a NamedNode and the lexical forms are equal.
  equals(other) {
    return (!!other && other.termType === this.termType && other.lexicalForm === (this.lexicalForm));
   The function encode formats the NamedNode as a string and returns it or
   delegate to the optional continuation.
   It implements this by retrieving the respective encoder and delegating the operation
   to that function.
  encode(mediaType, continuation) {
    return (this.encode[mediaType](this, continuation));

 @param {string} lexicalForm
 @param {string} [baseIRI] - The IRI to combine with a laxicalForm which is relative.
export function createNamedNode(lexicalForm, baseIRI = null) {
  if (baseIRI) {
    var uri = new URL(lexicalForm, baseIRI)
    lexicalForm = uri.href;
  return (new NamedNode(lexicalForm));

 The class UUID represented universally unique identifiers as the 
 hex-encoded string.
export class UUID extends NamedNode {
  constructor(lexicalForm) {
    if (lexicalForm.startsWith('urn:uuid:')) {
      lexicalForm = lexicalForm.slice(9);
    } else if (lexicalForm.startsWith('urn:')) {
      lexicalForm = lexicalForm.slice(4);

  toString() {
    return ('urn:uuid:' + this.lexicalForm);

export function createUUID() {
  return (new UUID(makeUUIDString()));

NamedNode.prototype.encode['application/n-quads'] = function(object, continuation) {
  continuation('<' + object.lexicalForm + '>');

NamedNode.rdf = {
    type: new NamedNode(''),
    langString: new NamedNode('')
NamedNode.xsd = {
    boolean: new NamedNode(''),
    dateTime: new NamedNode(''),
    decimal: new NamedNode(''),
    double: new NamedNode(''),
    integer: new NamedNode(''),
    string: new NamedNode('')

 A BlankNode is a Node which is identified local to a Surface by a string label.
 @extends Node
export class BlankNode extends Node{
   @param {string} [label]
  constructor(label) {
     The local identifier
     @type string
    this.label = label || `node_${BlankNode.nodeIndex++}`;

   Returns true for a BlankNode with the same label
   @param {any}
   @return {boolean}
  equals(other) {
    return (!!other && other.termType === this.termType && other.label.equals(this.label));

   Given a media type, encode the blank node's lexical form as a string and
   return that value or delegate to the continuation.
   @param {string} mediaType
   @param {function} [continuation] If present, invoke with the encoded value and return that result.
  encode(mediaType, continuation) {
    return (this.encode[mediaType](this, continuation));

 Create a new BlankNode
 @param {string} [label]
export function createBlankNode (label) {
  return (new BlankNode(label));

BlankNode.prototype.encode['application/n-quads'] = function(object, continuation) {
  return (continuation('_:' + object.lexicalForm));

BlankNode.nodeIndex = 0;

 The class Graph encapsulates a statement sequence with a location url,
 to augment {@link Triple} content, and a base IRI to extend relative IRI to absolute.
export class Graph {
   @param {array} statements
   @param {Object} [options]
  constructor(statements, options = {}) {
     the location URL
     @member {string}
    this.location = options['location'];
     the base url for operation which complete a relative iri argument
     @member {string}
    this.baseIRI = options['baseIRI'];
    /** @member {array} */
    this.statements = statements || [];

   Given a media type, encode the graph as a document string which represents each statement
   with its lexical form.
   return that value or delegate to the continuation.
   @param {string} mediaType
   @param {function} [continuation] If present, invoke with the encoded value and return that result.
  encode(mediaType, continuation) {
    return (this.encode[mediaType](this, continuation));

   Compute a set of identified deltas from the graph content.
   Each entry is an array of which the first element is the lexical identifier of a subject
   and the second is an array of roll-forward deltas.
   That is, the first value is set to a JavaScript value and the second is left undefined.
  computeDeltas(environment) {
    // console.log('computeDeltas', this, environment);
    // console.log('computeDeltas.fin', environment.findIdentifierName)
    // extract all subjects , for each assemble add/remove sets
    var ids = [];
    var allDeltas = new Map();
    // console.log('allDeltas', allDeltas);
    var addStatementDelta = function(stmt, makeEntry) {
      // console.log("computeDeltas.asd:", stmt)
      var name = null;
      try { name = environment.findIdentifierName(stmt.predicate); } catch (e) {console.log("name", e);}
      var value = null;
      try { value = environment.toValue(stmt.object, stmt.predicate); } catch (e) {console.log("value", e);}
      // console.log("name", name, "value", value);
      var id = stmt.subject.lexicalForm;
      // console.log('id', id);
      // console.log('allDeltas', allDeltas);
      var idDeltas = allDeltas.get(id);
      // console.log( 'iddeltas', idDeltas);
      var delta = makeEntry(value);
      // console.log('entry', delta);
      var deltas = null;
      if (! idDeltas ) {
        deltas = {};
        idDeltas = [id, deltas];
        allDeltas.set(id, idDeltas);
      } else {
        deltas = idDeltas[1];
      // console.log('set delta', deltas);
      deltas[name] = delta;
      // console.log('set delta', deltas);
      var object = null;
      if (name == '@type') {
        // create an instance to accompany the deltas
        // console.log('type');
        var stmtClass = stmt.object.lexicalForm;
        // console.log('class', stmtClass);
        object = environment.createObject(stmtClass, id);
        // console.log('Graph.computeDeltas.asd: created: ', object._state);
        // console.log('object by type', object);
        idDeltas['object'] = object;
        // console.log('object by type', object);
      // console.log("computeDeltas.asd: added:", stmt);
    this.statements.forEach(function(stmt) {
      addStatementDelta(stmt, function(value) { return ([value, undefined]); });
    console.log('computeDeltas', allDeltas);
    return (Array.from(allDeltas.values()));

   Delegate a forEach operation to the graph's statements.
  forEach(op) {
    return (this.statements.forEach(op));

 @param {array} statements
 @param {Object} [options]
export function createGraph(statements, options = {}) {
  return (new Graph(statements, options));

Graph.prototype.encode['application/n-quads'] = function(object, continuation) {
  var result = "";
  object.statements.forEach(function(s) {
    s.encode('application/n-quads',function(encoded) { result += (encoded + '\n');});
  // console.log("Graph.prototype.encode['application/n-quads']", result);
  return (continuation(result));

 The abstract class Statement comprises Triple and Quad speciaizations
export class Statement {
   @param {Node} subject
   @param {NamedNode} predicate
   @param {Term} object
   @param {Node} [graph]
  constructor(subject, predicate, object, graph = null) {
    this.subject = subject;
    this.predicate = predicate;
    this.object = object;
    this.graph = graph;

   Returns true for a Statement with equal terms
   @param {any}
   @return {boolean}
  equals(other) {
    return (!!other && other.subject.equals(this.subject) && other.predicate.equals(this.predicate) &&
            other.object.equals(this.object) && other.graph.equals(this.graph));

   Given a media type, encode the statement as a string which represents each term
   with its lexical form.
   return that value or delegate to the continuation.
   @param {string} mediaType
   @param {function} [continuation] If present, invoke with the encoded value and return that result.
  encode(mediaType, continuation) {
    return (this.encode[mediaType](this, continuation));


 Given subject, predicate, object and graph terns, construct and return a statement
 @param {Node} subject
 @param {NamedNode} predicate
 @param {Term} object
 @param {Node} [graph]
export function createStatement(subject, predicate, object, graph) {
  return (graph ? createQuad(subject, predicate, object, graph) : createTriple(subject, predicate, object));

Statement.prototype.encode['application/n-quads'] = function(object, continuation) {
  var s,p,o,g = null;
  object.subject.encode('application/n-quads', function(encoded) { s = encoded; });
  object.predicate.encode('application/n-quads', function(encoded) { p = encoded; });
  object.object.encode('application/n-quads', function(encoded) { o = encoded; });
  if (object.graph) {
    object.graph.encode('application/n-quads', function(encoded) { g = encoded; });
  return (continuation(s + ' ' + p + ' ' + o + ' ' + (g ? (g + ' ') : '') + '.'));

 The class Triple specializes {@link Statement} for those with just subject, predicate, and
 object terms.
export class Triple extends Statement {
   @param {Node} subject
   @param {NamedNode} predicate
   @param {Term} object
  constructor(subject, predicate, object) {
    super(subject, predicate, object, null);

 @param {Node} subject
 @param {NamedNode} predicate
 @param {Term} object
export function createTriple(subject, predicate, object) {
  return (new Triple(subject, predicate, object));

 The class Quad specializes {@link Statement} for those with subject, predicate,
 object, and graph terms.
export class Quad extends Statement {
   @param {Node} subject
   @param {NamedNode} predicate
   @param {Term} object
   @param {Node} [graph]
  constructor(subject, predicate, object, graph) {
    super(subject, predicate, object, graph);

 The function createQuad combines terms into a Quad instance.
 @param {Node} subject
 @param {NamedNode} predicate
 @param {Term} object
 @param {Node} [graph]
export function createQuad(subject, predicate, object, graph) {
  return (new Quad(subject, predicate, object, graph));

 The class Literal represents an RDF literal.
 The specializations LangString and SimpleString provide for cases where
 a language tag or no datatyoe is provided
export class Literal extends Term {
  constructor(lexicalForm, language, datatype) {
    this.lexicalForm = lexicalForm;
    this.language = language;
    this.datatype = datatype;

  equals(other) {
    return (!!other && other.termType === this.termType && other.value === this.value &&
            other.language === this.language && other.datatype.equals(this.datatype));

  encode(mediaType, continuation) {
    return (this.encode[mediaType](this, continuation));

window.classLiteral = Literal;

Literal.prototype.encode['application/n-quads'] = function(object, continuation) {
  var type = object.datatype;
  var language = object.language;
  if (type) {
    return (continuation('"' + object.lexicalForm + '"^^<' + type.lexicalForm + '>'));
  } else if (language) {
    return (continuation('"' + object.lexicalForm + '"@' + language));
  } else {
    return (continuation('"' + object.lexicalForm + '"'));

 A dictionary of function to convert native data to an RDF Term
Literal.toLiteral = {};

Literal.toLiteral['Date'] = function fromDate(value) {
  if (!(value instanceof Date)) {
    throw new TypeError('Invalid argument to Literal.fromDate()')
  let d2 = function (x) {
    return ('' + (100 + x)).slice(1, 3)
  let date = '' + value.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + d2(value.getUTCMonth() + 1) +
    '-' + d2(value.getUTCDate()) + 'T' + d2(value.getUTCHours()) + ':' +
    d2(value.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' + d2(value.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z'
  return (createLiteral(date, null, NamedNode.xsd.dateTime));

Literal.toLiteral['boolean'] = function fromBoolean(value) {
  return (createLiteral(value.toString(), null, NamedNode.xsd.boolean));

Literal.toLiteral['number'] = function fromNumber(value) {
  var asString = value.toString();
  return (createLiteral(asString,
                        ((asString.indexOf('.') >= 0) ? NamedNode.xsd.decimal : NamedNode.xsd.integer)));

Literal.toLiteral['string'] = function fromString(value) {
  return (createLiteral(value, null, null));

 A dictionary of functions to convert an RDF Term to native data.
Literal.toValue = {};
Literal.toValue[NamedNode.xsd.boolean.lexicalForm] = function(lexicalForm) { return (Boolean(lexicalForm)); };
Literal.toValue[NamedNode.xsd.dateTime.lexicalForm] = function(lexicalForm) { return (new Date(lexicalForm)); };
Literal.toValue[NamedNode.xsd.decimal.lexicalForm] = function(lexicalForm) { return (Number(lexicalForm)); };
Literal.toValue[NamedNode.xsd.double.lexicalForm] = function(lexicalForm) { return (Number(lexicalForm)); };
Literal.toValue[NamedNode.xsd.integer.lexicalForm] = function(lexicalForm) { return (Number(lexicalForm)); };
Literal.toValue[NamedNode.xsd.string.lexicalForm] = function(lexicalForm) { return (lexicalForm); };

 Create a Literal instance. Given the appropriate arguments creates either a LangString
 a typed Literal or a SimpleString
 @param {string} value
 @param {(string|null)} language
 @param {(string|null)} datatype
export function createLiteral(value, language, datatype) {
  if (language) {
    return (new LangString(value, language));
  } else if (datatype) {
    return (new Literal(value, language, datatype));
  } else {
    return (new SimpleString(value));

 The class SimpleString specializes {@link Literal} for those strings without a language tag.
 @extends Literal
export class SimpleString extends Literal {
  constructor(lexicalForm) {
    super(lexicalForm, null, NamedNode.xsd.string);
  equals(other) {
    return ((other === this.lexicalForm) || super.equals(other));

 The class LangString specializes {@link Literal} for thos strings with language tag.
 @extends Literal
export class LangString extends Literal {
  constructor(lexicalForm, language) {
    super(lexicalForm, language, NamedNode.rdf.langString);

 The class Patch encapsulates delete, post and put constituents.
 Each is provided as a Graph or graph designator.
 As the latter a statement sequence is wrapped as Graph while
 a string is decoded.
export class Patch {
   @param {Object} options
   @param {string} options.contentType - The patch section media type
   @param {Graph} [options.delete]
   @param {Graph} []
   @param {Graph} [options.put]
  constructor(options = {}) {
    this.contentType = options.contentType || 'application/n-quads';
    var thisContentType = this.contentType;
    var whenGraph = function (statements) {
      switch(typeof(statements)) {
      case 'object':
        if (statements instanceof Array) {
          return (createGraph(statements));
        } else if (statements instanceof Graph) {
          return (statements);
        } else {
          return (null);
      case 'string':
        return(decode(statements, thisContentType, null));
        return (null);
    this.put = whenGraph(options.put); = whenGraph(;
    this.delete = whenGraph(options.delete);

  encode(mediaType, continuation) {
    return (this.encode[mediaType](this, continuation));
  computeDeltas(environment) {
    // extract all subjects , for each assemble add/remove sets
    var ids = [];
    var deltaMap = new Map();
    var addStatementDelta = function(stmt, makeEntry) {
      var name = environment.findIdentifierName(stmt.predicate);
      var value = environment.toValue(stmt.object, stmt.predicate);
      var id = stmt.subject.lexicalForm;
      var idDeltas = deltaMap.get(id);
      var delta = makeEntry(value);
      var object = null;
      if (name == '@type') {
        var stmtClass = predicateLeaf(stmt.object)
        object = environment.createObject(stmtClass, id);
        // console.log('computeDeltas: created: ', object._state);
      var deltas = null;
      if (! idDeltas ) {
        deltas = {};
        deltaMap.set(id, [id, deltas]);
      } else {
        deltas = idDeltas[1];
      if (object) {
        idDeltas.object = object;
      deltas[name] = delta;
    this.delete.forEach(function(stmt) {
      addStatementDelta(stmt, function(value) { return ([undefined, value]); });
    }); {
      addStatementDelta(stmt, function(value) { return ([value, undefined]); });
    this.put.forEach(function(stmt) {
      addStatementDelta(stmt, function(value) { return ([value, undefined]); });
  return (Array.from(deltaMap.values()));

 Instantiate a new Patch given the delete, post, and put constituents.
 @param {Object} [options] Provide delete, post, and put constituent arrays.
export function createPatch(options = {}) {
  return (new Patch(options));

 Encode a patch as multipart/related with one section for each of the
 delete, put , and post constituents of the patch.
Patch.prototype.encode['multipart/related'] = function(object, continuation) {
    var boundary = "PATCH";
    var crlf = '\r\n';
    var body = "";
    var separator = "--" + boundary;
    var appendSection = function(content, method) {
      //console.log('Patch.prototype.encode: ' + method);
      //console.log('Patch.prototype.encode: ' + content);
      if (content) {
        // encode each section as per the patch content type with
        // appropriate section headers
        content.encode(object.contentType, function(e) {
          if (e && e.length > 0) {
            body += separator + crlf;
            body += `X-HTTP-Method-Override: ${method}${crlf}`;
            body += `ContentType: ${object.contentType}${crlf}${crlf}`;
            body += e;
    appendSection(object.delete, "DELETE");
    appendSection(object.put, "PUT");
    appendSection(, "POST");
    body += separator + "--" + crlf;
    return (continuation(body, {boundary: boundary}));

 The static function decode accepts a document string, a media type, and a
 It decodes the string as n RDF term and delegates to the continuation.
 The implementation are indexed bx media type in the dictionary which is bound
 to the decode symbol.
export function decode(object, contentType, continuation) {
  if (match = contentType.match(/([^;]+)(?:;.*)?/)) {
    var decoder = decode[match[1]];
    // console.log("decode: decoder", decoder);
    // must pass the content type as it can include arguments
    var decoded = decoder(document, contentType, continuation);
    // console.log("rdfenv.decode: decoded", decoded);
    return (decoded);
  } else {
    console.log("decode: decoder not found");
    return (null);

decode['application/n-quads'] = function(document, contentType, continuation) {
  // console.log("decode['application/n-quads']");
  // console.log('nearley', nearley);
  // console.log('nearley.Parser', nearley.Parser);
  // console.log('nearley.Grammar', nearley.Grammar);
  // console.log('nquadsGrammar', nquadsGrammar);
  // console.log('make parser');
  var parser = null;
  try {
    parser = new nearley.Parser(nearley.Grammar.fromCompiled(nquadsGrammar));
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("from grammar failed: ", error);
    return (null);
  try {
    var statements = parser.feed(document).results[0];
    var graph = createGraph(statements);
    // console.log('decoded', graph);
    return (continuation ? continuation(graph) : graph);
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("decode['application/n-quads'] failed", error);
    return (null);

decode['multipart/related'] = function(document, contentType, continuation) {
  // segment into parts, parse each, collate respective delete/post/put sections
  // create and return a patch object
  var parser = new nearley.Parser(nearley.Grammar.fromCompiled(multipartGrammar));
  var posts = [];
  var puts = [];
  var deletes = [];
  var parsed = parser.feed(document);
  // console.log("decode['multipart/related']: parsed", parsed)
  // console.log("decode['multipart/related']: results", parsed.results)
  var parts = parsed.results[0];
  // console.log("decode['multipart/related']: parts", parts)
  if (parts) {
    parts.forEach(function([headers, content]) {
      // console.log("decode['multipart/related']: part", [headers, content])
      var contentParser = new nearley.Parser(nearley.Grammar.fromCompiled(nquadsGrammar));
      var method = headers['X-HTTP-Method-Override'];
      var parsed = contentParser.feed(content);
      var statements = parsed.results[0];
      // console.log("decode['multipart/related']: part statements", method, statements)
      switch(method.toUpperCase()) {
      case 'DELETE':
        deletes = deletes.concat(statements);
        // console.log("decode['multipart/related']: deletes", deletes);
      case 'POST':
        // console.log("decode['multipart/related']: posts", posts);
        posts = posts.concat(statements);
      case 'PUT':
        puts = puts.concat(statements);
        console.log(`decode['multipart/related']: invalid method '${method.toUpperCase()}'`);
  var patch = {delete: deletes, post: posts, put: puts};
  // console.log("decode['multipart/related']: prepatch", patch);
  patch = createPatch(patch);
  // console.log("decode['multipart/related']: patch", patch);
  return (continuation ? continuation(patch) : patch);

 The static function encode accepts an object, a media type, and a continuation.
 It encodes the data as a string and delegates to the continuation.
 Numbers and strings are encoded in-line while objects delegate to the respective method.
export function encode(object, mediaType, continuation) {
  return (encode[mediaType](object, continuation))

encode['application/n-quads'] = function(object, continuation) {
  var type = typeof(object);
  switch (type) {
  case 'number':
    continuation(object.toString() + "^^<" + dataTypeIRI(object) + ">");
  case 'string':
    continuation('"' + object + '"');
  case 'object':
    if (object instanceof Array) {
      object.forEach(function(element) {
        element.encode('application/n-quads', continuation);
    } else {
      object.encode('application/n-quads', continuation);