

// Copyright (c) 2019 datagraph gmbh

 Implement SPARQL and Graph Store protocol operations based on
 - fetch network operators
 - rdf codecs and data model

 The operations are defined as static function for the GSP and SPARQL classes.

/*if ("function" === typeof importScripts) {

const now =;

function logFetch(location, args) {
  console.log('fetch:', location, args);
  var headers = args.headers;
  // for (var [k,v] of headers.entries()) {console.log('fetch:', [k,v])};
  var p = fetch(location, args);
  p.location = location;
  p = p.then(function(response) {
        if (response.ok) {
          return (response);
        } else {
          throw response;
  // console.log(p);
  return (p);

 The GSP class comprises the interface operators for the Graph Store Protocol
export class GSP {
window.GSP = GSP;
GSP.locationSuffix = "/service";
GSP.fetchOp = logFetch;

 The SPARQL class comprises the interface operators for the SPARQL Protocol
export class SPARQL {
SPARQL.locationSuffix = "/sparql";
SPARQL.fetchOp = logFetch;

// provide default encoding functions
String.prototype.encode = {
 'application/n-quads': function(object) { return( object ); },
 'text/turtle': function(object) { return( object ); },
 'application/n-quads': function(object) { return( object ); }

// define generic protocol interface
// graph store protocol

 Perform a GSP delete given the location, options for authentication and response
 content type, and an optional continuation operator.
 @param {string} location - the host and target repository name
 @param {Object} [options]
 @param {string} options.etag - the client revision identifer to identify the transaction
 @param {string} options.authorization - the basic authoentication string
 @param {string} options.accept - the media type for the confirmation response
 @param {string} options.contentDisposition - the replication disposition route
 @param {string} options.graph - the target graph
 @param {function} [continuation] - if supplied, used to invoke the fetch promise.
 @returns {Promise}

GSP.delete = function(location, options = {}, continuation) {
  var headers = new Headers({ "Accept": GSP.delete.acceptMediaType });
  if (options['authentication']) {
                'Basic ' + btoa(":" + options['authentication']));
  } else {
  if (options.etag) { headers.set("ETag", options.etag) }
  if (options.contentDisposition) { headers.set("Content-Disposition", options.contentDisposition); }
  var args = { method: "DELETE",
               cache: "no-cache",
               headers: headers };
  var constraint = options['graph'];
  location = location + GSP.locationSuffix;
  if (constraint) {
    location = location + '?graph=' + encodeURIComponent(constraint);
  var p = GSP.fetchOp(location, args);
  return (continuation ? p.then(continuation) : p);
 The default accept media type for delete requests
GSP.delete.acceptMediaType = 'text/turtle';

 Perform a GSP delete given the location, options for authentication and response
 content type, and an optional continuation operator.
 @param {string} location - the host and target repository name
 @param {Object} [options]
 @param {string} options.etag - the client revision identifer to identify the transaction
 @param {string} options.authorization - the basic authoentication string
 @param {string} options.accept - the media type for the response document
 @param {string} options.subject - a subject constraint
 @param {string} options.predicate - a predicate constraint
 @param {string} options.object - an object constraint
 @param {string} options.graph - a graph constraint
 @param {function} [continuation] - if supplied, used to invoke the fetch promise.

GSP.get = function(location, options = {}, continuation) {
  var headers = new Headers({ "Accept": (options["Accept"] || GSP.get.acceptMediaType) });
  if (options['authentication']) {
                'Basic ' + btoa(":" + options['authentication']));
  } else {
  var args = { method: "GET",
               cache: "no-cache",
               headers: headers };
  var constraintCount = 0;
  location = location + GSP.locationSuffix;
  ['subject', 'predicate', 'object', 'graph'].forEach(function(term) {
    var constraint = options[term];
    if (constraint) {
      location = location + ( (0 == constraintCount) ? '?' : '&') + term + '=';
      location = location + encodeURIComponent(constraint);
  var p = GSP.fetchOp(location, args);
  return (continuation ? p.then(continuation) : p);
GSP.get.acceptMediaType = 'application/n-quads';

 @param {string} location - the host and target repository name
 @param {Object} [options]
 @param {string} options.authorization - the basic authoentication string
 @param {function} [continuation] - if supplied, used to invoke the fetch promise.

GSP.head = function(location, options, continuation) {
  var headers = new Headers({});
  if (options['authentication']) {
                'Basic ' + btoa(":" + options['authentication']));
  } else {
  var args = { method: "HEAD",
               cache: "no-cache",
               headers: headers };
  location = location + GSP.locationSuffix;
  var p = GSP.fetchOp(location, args);
  return (continuation ? p.then(continuation) : p);

 Perform a GSP patch given the location, content, options for authentication and section
 content type, and an optional continuation operator.
 The content is first encoded as per the given content type and a request is issued
 with the given headers.
 @param {string} location - the host and target repository name
 @param {Patch} content - the request content
 @param {Object} [options]
 @param {string} options.etag - the client revision identifer to identify the transaction
 @param {string} options.authorization - the basic authentication string
 @param {string} options.accept - the media type for the response document
 @param {string} options.contentDisposition - the replication disposition route
 @param {function} [continuation] - if supplied, used to invoke the fetch promise.

GSP.patch = function (location, content, options = {}, continuation) {
  console.log("GSP.patch", location, content, options);
  var contentType = options["Content-Type"] || GSP.patch.contentMediaType;
  var headers = new Headers({ "Accept": (options["Accept"] || GSP.patch.acceptMediaType),
                              "Content-Type": contentType,});
  var contentEncoded = ""
  var boundary = null;
  if (options['authentication']) {
    headers.set("Authorization",'Basic ' + btoa(":" + options['authentication']));
  } else {
  if (options.etag) { headers.set("ETag", options.etag) }
  if (options.contentDisposition) { headers.set("Content-Disposition", options.contentDisposition); }
  content.encode(contentType, function(e, options ={}) {
    contentEncoded = e;
    boundary = options.boundary
  if (boundary) {
    headers.set("Content-Type", headers.get("Content-Type") + `; boundary=${boundary}`);
  var args = { method: "PATCH",
               headers: headers,
               body: contentEncoded };
  var httpURL = location + GSP.patch.locationSuffix;
  var p = GSP.fetchOp(httpURL, args);
  return (continuation ? p.then(continuation) : p);
GSP.patch.acceptMediaType = 'text/turtle';
GSP.patch.contentMediaType = 'multipart/related';
GSP.patch.locationSuffix = GSP.locationSuffix;

 Perform a GSP post given the location, content, options for authentication, and an optional continuation operator.
 The content is first encoded as per the given content type and a request is issued
 with the given headers.
 @param {string} location - the host and target repository name
 @param {Graph} content - the request content
 @param {Object} [options]
 @param {string} options.etag - the client revision identifer to identify the transaction
 @param {string} options.authorization - the basic authentication string
 @param {string} options.accept - the media type for the response document
 @param {string} options.contentDisposition - the replication disposition route
 @param {function} [continuation] - if supplied, used to invoke the fetch promise.
 */ = function (location, content, options = {}, continuation) {
  var contentType = options["Content-Type"] ||;
  var headers = new Headers({ "Accept": (options["Accept"] ||,
                              "Content-Type": contentType });
  if (options['authentication']) {
                'Basic ' + btoa(":" + options['authentication']));
  } else {
  if (options.etag) { headers.set("ETag", options.etag) }
  if (options.contentDisposition) { headers.set("Content-Disposition", options.contentDisposition); }
  var contentEncoded = "";
  content.encode(contentType, function(e) { contentEncoded = e; });

  var args = { method: "POST",
               headers: headers,
               body: contentEncoded };
  location = location + GSP.locationSuffix;
  var p = GSP.fetchOp(location, args);
  return (continuation ? p.then(continuation) : p);
} = 'text/turtle'; = 'application/n-quads';

 Perform a GSP put given the location, content, options for authentication, and an optional continuation operator.
 The content is first encoded as per the given content type and a request is issued
 with the given headers.
 @param {string} location - the host and target repository name
 @param {Graph} content - the request content
 @param {Object} [options]
 @param {string} options.etag - the client revision identifer to identify the transaction
 @param {string} options.authorization - the basic authentication string
 @param {string} options.accept - the media type for the response document
 @param {string} options.contentDisposition - the replication disposition route
 @param {function} [continuation] - if supplied, used to invoke the fetch promise.

GSP.put = function (location, content, options = {}, continuation) {
  var contentType = options["Content-Type"] || GSP.put.contentMediaType;
  var headers = new Headers({ "Accept": (options["Accept"] || GSP.put.acceptMediaType),
                              "Content-Type": contentType });
  if (options['authentication']) {
                'Basic ' + btoa(":" + options['authentication']));
  } else {
  if (options.etag) { headers.set("ETag", options.etag) }
  if (options.contentDisposition) { headers.set("Content-Disposition", options.contentDisposition); }
  var contentEncoded = "";
  content.encode(contentType, function(e) { contentEncoded = e; });

  var args = { method: "PUT",
               headers: headers,
               body: contentEncoded };
  location = location + GSP.locationSuffix;
  var p = GSP.fetchOp(location, args);
  return (continuation ? p.then(continuation) : p);
GSP.put.AcceptType = 'text/turtle';
GSP.put.ContentType = 'application/n-quads';

// sparql protocol

 Execute a SPARQL query given a location and a query text.
 The request URL combines the location, the SPARQL endpoint suffix and the url-encoded query text.
 A promise is created. Given a continuation, it is supplied to the promise,
 otherwise the active promise is returned.
 @param {string} location - the host and target repository name
 @param {string} query - the request content
 @param {Object} [options]
 @param {string} options.authorization - the basic authentication string
 @param {string} options.accept - the media type for the response document
 @param {function} [continuation] - if supplied, used to invoke the fetch promise.

SPARQL.get = function(location, query, options = {}, continuation) {
  // console.log("SPARQL.get ", query, options);
  var headers = new Headers({ "Accept": (options["Accept"] || SPARQL.get.acceptMediaType) });
  if (options['authentication']) {
                'Basic ' + btoa(":" + options['authentication']));
  } else {
  var args = { method: "GET",
               cache: "no-cache",
               headers: headers  };
  if (query) {
    var queryArgument = (query ? ("query=" + encodeURIComponent(query)) : null);
    location = location + SPARQL.locationSuffix;
    location += "?" + queryArgument;
  } else {
    throw (new Error(`SPARQL.get: a query text is required: '${location}'`));
  var p = SPARQL.fetchOp(location, args);
  return (continuation ? p.then(continuation) : p);
SPARQL.get.contentMediaType = null;
SPARQL.get.acceptMediaType = 'application/sparql-results+json';

 Execute a SPARQL query given a location and a view name
 The request URL combines the location, the SPARQL endpoint suffix and the view name.
 A promise is created. Given a continuation, it is supplied to the promise,
 otherwise the active promise is returned.

SPARQL.view = function(location, viewName, options = {}, continuation) {
  var headers = new Headers({ "Accept": (options["Accept"] || SPARQL.view.acceptMediaType)});
  if (options['authentication']) {
                'Basic ' + btoa(":" + options['authentication']));
  } else {
  var args = { method: "GET",
               cache: "no-cache",
               headers: headers  };
  if (viewName) {
    location = location + "/" + viewName
  } else {
    throw (new Error(`SPARQL.view: a view name is required: '${location}'`));
  var p = SPARQL.fetchOp(location, args);
  return (continuation ? p.then(continuation) : p);
SPARQL.view.contentMediaType = null;
SPARQL.view.acceptMediaType = 'application/sparql-results+json';

 Execute a SPARQL query given a location and a query text.
 The request URL combines the location and the SPARQL endpoint suffix.
 The query text is sent a the request body.
 A promise is created.
 Given a continuation, it is supplied to the promise,
 otherwise the active promise is returned.
 */ = function(location, query, options = {}, continuation) {
  var contentType = options["Content-Type"] ||;
  var headers = new Headers({ "Accept": (options["Accept"] ||,
                              "Content-Type": contentType });
  var args = { method: "POST",
               cache: "no-cache",
               headers: headers,
               body: query };
  if (query) {
    location = location + SPARQL.locationSuffix;
  } else {
    throw (new Error(`SPARQL.get: a query text is required: '${location}'`));

  var p = SPARQL.fetchOp(location, args);
  return (continuation ? p.then(continuation) : p);
} = 'text/turtle'; = 'application/sparql-query';


// console.log('rdf-graph-store: loaded');